Broadcast Partner
Cambridge Folk Festival 2016
Knitting and Crochet Workshop Thursday 28th July 12.00noon til 3.00pm in the Club Tent
We’re very excited to be bringing you another knitting and crochet workshop at the Club Tent this year on the opening Thursday.
As with previous years, you can bring pre-made knitting and crochet to the festival, which will be incorporated into a wall hanging, or you can use the workshop to sit and knit or crochet with other festival-goers. Wool, needles and hooks will be available.
The theme this year is guitars and musical instruments. If you’re a beginner, feel free to make basic squares or circles to bring along (we’ll be using the squares and circles to make a giant guitar), or if you’re more experienced you can make instrument shapes.
Squares and circles should be no bigger than 15cm in width. They can be in any colour or tension and you can customise them as you want to. We’ll be stitching them together with other circles and squares at the workshop.
If you’re making an instrument shape, you can go up to 30cm in length, but please make sure your shapes are 2D rather than 3D. Be as creative as you want! You can use embellishments if you want to, or customise your instrument with pattern or your name, whatever you like.