Socially Distanced Shows to Launch in January

Monday 23 November 2020

We are thrilled to announce that we will be running a programme of socially-distanced concerts from January 2021. Artists scheduled to appear in January and February 2021 include This Is The Kit and Scott Matthews (both in partnership with the Cambridge Folk Festival), Penelope Isles, BC Camplight, and Shame.

Strict social-distancing rules will be in effect, with a maximum of 200 audience members per show, mandatory face coverings, temperature checks, and other safety measures to guard against the spread of Covid-19. All tickets for socially-distanced events will include a no-fuss money back guarantee in case the show is cancelled due to government restrictions or a customer falls ill.

Cllr Anna Smith, Executive Councillor for Communities, commented: “I’m thrilled to be able to announce this news. I know so many people have missed live entertainment, and I feel sure many Cambridge residents will be delighted to see the first signs of a return to live entertainment. Council officers have been hard at work preparing for this moment for months, and we look forward to welcoming audiences back to the Corn Exchange from January.”


1. You may only attend with other members of your household or support bubble. Please do not purchase tickets for anyone outside your household.

2. Please do not attend if you or a member of your household has experienced Covid-19 symptoms in the past 14 days – you will be given a no-quibble refund. Temperature checks will be in operation as you enter the venue.

3. Print your tickets at home or be prepared to display them on a smartphone. No tickets will be available on the door.

4. Face coverings will be mandatory at all times, except when eating or drinking in your seats.

For socially distanced events, a new seating configuration respecting a 1 metre plus distance will be in place. Our stewards will be on hand to direct you to where you are sitting.

Drinks and snacks will be available using the app Round, for delivery to your seats. You can read more about Round and download it here. There will be no service at the bar.

The show will end by 9.30pm to allow fans to leave the Corn Exchange safely.